29th September 2014
Dear Parents/Carers
For many years now, school has kept parents informed of their child’s progress through the use of levels. Level 2B being the expectation at the end of Year 2 and Level 4B the expectation at the end of Year 6. During Parents’ Meetings we have used these levels to help you understand if your child is making the progress they should as they go through school.
From September 2014, the system is changing to one where levels are no longer used to describe attainment and progress. This is a new Government initiative that schools must implement.
The current Year 2 and Year 6 will still be assessed against levels and their SATs results will be reported as levels but this will be the last year this happens. From September 2015, both year groups will move to the new system of reporting. SATs remain but levels will not be used.
Children in Year 1, 3, 4 and 5 have already moved across to the new system. These children will be assessed against a list of year group expectations and we are asked to report whether the children have ‘not met’, ‘met’ or ‘exceeded’ the year group statements.
Consequently, parents who have children in several different year groups will find the progress of their children being reported in two different ways this year until the new system is fully implemented in September 2015.
If you have any queries about this please talk to your child’s class teacher who will be happy to explain further.
Yours Sincerely
Mrs. K. P. Smith
Deputy Headteacher