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Welcome letter - 6th September

6th September 2022


Dear Parents and Carers,


              Welcome back! I hope you have all enjoyed the summer holidays and had some good times together as families. We are all looking forward to the new school year and to working together with you all. In this letter, you will find a few pieces of information that we would like you to be aware of.


On P.E. days children must come to school wearing their P.E. kit. This consists of a plain white T-shirt, plain black joggers, black pumps or trainers and the school jumper. If pupils persistently wear other items of clothing on P.E. days, parents/carers will be called and asked to bring the correct uniform into school so pupils can change. Trainers are only to be worn on P.E. days and black shoes are to be worn on all other days, along with the full school uniform, details of which can be found on the school website.


Here are the P.E. days

Reception – Wednesday

Year 1 – Wednesday

Year 2 - Friday

Year 3 - Thursday

Year 4 – Thursday

Year 5 – Monday

Year 6 – Tuesday


Our first date for the diary is for the parents of children in Year 6.  We are having an informal coffee and cake afternoon inviting you in to meet the teachers.  During this meeting we will share information about the SATs and also applying for secondary schools.  It would be lovely to see you all there.

The date for the coffee afternoon is Thursday 15th September from 2:30-3:15.  The children will be brought to the hall at 3:00



Thank you for your support
