Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope that you are all staying well and safe during these challenging times. Thank you for your ongoing support in school, it is lovely to speak to you all in the mornings and afternoons on the yard.
Oldham still has a very high rate of infection and as we are in a national lockdown we need to keep following the rules. Keeping our 2m apart, washing hands and wearing face coverings when on the school grounds.
Our children remain in their class bubbles when in school, only mixing with children they normally work with. If your child shows any of the main symptoms (loss of taste and smell, high temperature or a new persistent cough) please book them a test and inform school.
Advent Activities
Due to COVID, Christmas activities in school will look a little different this year. We are not able to do our Christmas fayre but are going to try something else.
The 4 weeks running up to Christmas (Advent) each have a theme; Love, Peace, Joy and Hope. Each of the last four weeks running up to Christmas will celebrate one of these in a different way. More information will be sent out about this next week.
Applying for Reception Places
The closing date for the application for a Reception place is coming soon. If you have not applied for a place for your child, please speak to the school office.
Nursery places – there are a small number of places available in our nursery for children who are 3 and 4. Again, contact the school office if would like a place for your child.
Home Learning
If your child’s bubble is required to close and your child needs to isolate at home. They are expected to complete home learning that will be set online by the class teacher. We understand that some households do not access to a computer or mobile device. Through the government we have been allocated some tablets which can be loaned to families when their child is working from home.
If you need access to one of these, please speak to the class teacher or school office to arrange collection and completing the short-term loan agreement.
Changes in circumstances
If your home or work circumstances have recently changes, for example you are newly in receipt of benefits please speak to the school office as you may now be eligible for a free school meal for your child or extra support.
Kindest regards
Mrs Knowles and Mr McGrath