Dear Parents and Carers,
What a unique half term we have just had. Can we all take this chance to thank you for your support, kind messages and the incredible help you have been giving your children during this challenging time. The challenge of providing an education for the children of key workers and vulnerable alongside the online remote learning has been great but successful thanks to the incredible work of our school staff.
More and more children are accessing the work online, completing the tasks and receiving feedback to help them succeed. We know that some families have found this hard for a number of reasons, please contact school if you need support and we, as ever, will always try to help.
Staff have made a number of phone calls and visits to families to check in and see how the work is going. The main feedback from these was that families were struggling without devices. Following this, school has bought another 30 devices in addition to the 43 from the government and 30 of our own given out from school. These have nearly all gone out to families – if you still require one please contact school as quickly as possible.
Can I remind families that these devices are on loan from school and need to be taken care of. We have already had a number of devices returned to school which have been damaged or broken and can no longer be used to complete the remote learning.
Online work
We have been constantly trying to improve the provision the children access both in school and on-line. Classes have been trying different ways of engaging the children and allowing them the chance to see their teachers and friends. Some classes have tried registration sessions, some lessons live using zoom, some through online quizzes and some assemblies with the year group. It has been lovely to see the children on these and hopefully we will see more and more each time we try.
Good work assembly
I will share a link to a good work assembly tomorrow afternoon via the school texting service. This will be a chance to see some of the amazing work that has been done both in school and at home. Please come and watch.
All of the vouchers for the children eligible for free school meals have been sent up to the end of this week. There will be another delivery of vouchers coming tomorrow for all children eligible for the week of half term.
If you feel that you have not received vouchers you are eligible for please complete the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Can I remind parents to claim the vouchers when they have been sent. If you are having problems, please speak to us after the half term break.
School will close for half term on Friday 12th February and re-open on Monday 21st February. Enjoy the week’s break and we look forward to seeing you all either in school or virtually after the break.
Reporting COVID results
If you or anybody in your household tests positive over the holiday can you please report this to school by either following the link below or sending a message to our Facebook page