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Newsletter 5th April 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,


What a wonderful term this has been!  We have been on trips to Alexandra Park, Castleshaw and a forest too!  We have had a pop-up museum in school showing artefacts to the Year 4’s and many other things too.  Next term will be even better!  We have a collection of exciting activities and experiences already booked in as well as a return to sports days, transition days to their new classes and some trips to the science college as well.


We finish school for the Easter holiday on Friday 8th at 3:00 and are back to school on Monday 25th April. 


Mrs Stones is running a holiday club during the second week of the holiday from Tuesday 19th April to Friday 22nd April.  It sounds like it will be fantastic!  Letters have been sent out to all children who are eligible for free school meals.  If you would like your child to come but is not eligible for free school meals, please ring and leave your name with the school office.  Mrs Stones will ring you back either Thursday or Friday to confirm places. There will be a cost attached to these places.


On Friday we are having some exciting events in school.  There is an Easter bonnet competition and a cake sale at breaktime (50p each) and treasure hunt.  It will be an exciting day and I am looking forward to seeing the amazing creations you all come in with!  The school council have asked for the money raised to go to school fund enhancing the in-class provision like books, games or toys for wet play.


As we move to our next step of the COVID recovery the guidance has been updated slightly.  The guidance from the government is that if a pupil tests positive for COVID they should isolate from school for 3 days and can return as long as they do not have a high temperature and feel well enough to take part in all school activities.


The vouchers for children eligible for free school meals have been sent out last week.  If you have not received yours, please contact the school office.  Please also ensure you use the vouchers as quickly as you can, the scheme is finishing soon and you may find they run out.


Have a wonderful holiday, enjoy the break.
