The body consists of:
2 Parent governors
Sadia Khan (Elected Autumn 2021 - October 2025)
Gulfam Rashid (Elected Sept 2023 - Sept 2027)
1 Local Authority governor
Mr. Keith Pendlebury (Elected Autumn 2015 -August 2027 ) Vice Chair of Governors,
1 Staff governor
Yvette Stuart (Elected Autumn 2015 - Jan 2026)
1 Head teacher
Mrs. Angela Knowles, Ex-Officio (Summer 2005)
7 foundation governors
Rev. Nick Andrewes Chair of Governors, Vicar, Henshaw Trust Representative
Ex-Officio (Summer 2014)
Mrs Sarah Hobson P.C.C. Representative (Elected Autumn 2016 - October 2024)
Ms. Judy Kane P.C.C. Representative (Elected Autumn 2015 - April 2027)
Mrs. Diane Service P.C.C. Representative (Elected Autumn 2021 - Autumn 2024)
Mrs. Claire Armitage-Truman P.C.C. Representative (Elected Autumn 2021 - Autumn 2025)
2 current vacancy - (Spring 2023)
Associate members (no voting rights)
Mr P McGrath
Miss M Lee
Mrs J Loader
Mr C Price
Members of governing body who have left within the last 12 months
Mrs Moyrum Bibi - Parent Governor - (Autumn 2023)
Mrs Angela Grant - P.C.C. Representative (Summer 2022)