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Newsletter 8th June

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back the last half term of this year.  We have 6 weeks left and so many exciting things to fit in before our children move to their next year.  Attached to the newsletter is a list of all of the dates between now and the end of the year.  Hopefully, these will not change but if they have to, we will inform you with as much notice as possible.


Academy Update

Thank you to all of the parents who attended the parent meeting with Crompton House Multi Academy Trust.  The information shared was very interesting and it was a great opportunity to ask any questions.

At the moment the timeline for school converting to become an academy is still being finalised but it is hoped that this will be before the Christmas holidays 2023.


School Timings

The government have told all schools in England that they must have children in school for a set number of hours a week.  Most schools are having to look at their start and finish times to ensure they fit the new rules.  As a school we made the decision a long time ago to keep the lunchtime shorter and keep the start and finish time the same.  This meant that the children had the maximum amount of teaching time during the day.

However, to fulfil the new government rules, the timings for the school day are going to change to be made 15 minutes longer.

From September 2023 the school times for all children will be: 8:45 to 3:10.

Breakfast club will still begin at the same time (8:00).


Dates to the end of the year



5th – Assessment week for 1, 3,4 and , Yr4 MTC checks start, Year 1 trip to Tandlehill

6th – 3PC linking project

12th – Year 2 phonics recheck AM only, reception transport trip

13th – Nursery trip to Littletown

14th / 15th – Y1 phonics screening check all week, reception transport trip

15th – Y6 vs Yr6 Coppice Football match (2pm on the pitch), reception transport trip

16th –Father’s day celebration school council (am)

19th - Reception transport trip

20th - Y5 trip to the Halle

21st –Y4 trip to Bethel Church, Reception transport trip

22nd - Reception transport trip

23rd – Spanish day and Y6 business enterprise

26th – 3ML linking project), Meet the teacher - Nursery

27th – 3PC linking project , Meet the teacher – Reception, George St Chapel

28th – George St Chapel

29th – Eid Parties, Reports out to parents, Y6 MADHLO crucial crew 

30th – Training Day – School closed to children



3rd – 150th celebration week, 3ML and 3PC orienteering trip (pm), Meet the teacher week after school,

4th  – George St Chapel , Y1 seaside trip

5th – George St Chapel, Author in school

10th – Y2 presentation 9.15am, Y3 presentation 2.15pm,

11th – Y4 presentation 9.15am, Nursery presentation – 11.15am and 2.15pm, Y1 seaside trip

12th – Y1 presentation 9.15am, Moving up afternoon from 2pm, Nursery come and play

13th – Y5 presentation 9.15am, Reception presentation 2.15pm, Y6 prom

14th – Y6 presentation 9.15am, St Thomas got Talent school council

17th – Nursery sports day am and pm, School council trip ten bin bowling

18th – Y5 sports day 10.20am, Year 1,2, 3 Sports day pm, 2-year-olds and Nursery teddy bears picnic

19th – Y6 sports day 9am, Y4 sports day 10.20am

20th – Reception sports day 9am and Y6 V staff rounders match PM

21st – Y6 leavers assembly whole school and sing (10.30 to 11.30) Finish for summer at 1.30pm 

