Dear Parents and Carers,
As we end another week it has been wonderful to watch the learning taking place in the classes. The children have been able to get back to swimming this week and enjoyed the lessons.
A few quick reminders.
Children need to come in their school uniform each day apart from the day when they have PE when they can come in their PE kit. Can we encourage all uniforms to be washed daily.
Symptoms and Testing
If your child, or anybody in your household exhibits any of the 3 main symptoms of COVID-19 (high temperature, new persistent cough or a change in sense of taste or smell) can you book a test immediately and self-isolate until you get your results.
Can we also remind parents that if a child has been asked to isolate or has been sent home from another school, can they please not come onto our school grounds either before or after school.
School Fleeces
Last chance to place an order for a school fleece. They are £15. Please contact the school office and leave your details and sizes.
Thank you all once again for your support.