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Newsletter 15th December 2023

Newsletter 15th December 2023



Dates to the end of term


Monday 18th December

Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Party

Y3 Violin concert in the hall (3ML – 1.30pm & 3PC – 2:15pm) Parents welcome


Tuesday 19th December

Nursery & 2-Year-Olds parent Christmas craft (9am to 10am & 2.15pm to 3.15pm)


Wednesday 20th December

Reception, Nursery & 2-Year-Olds Christmas party

Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6 Christmas Party


Thursday 21st December

Y5 Christmas party (am)

School closes at 1.30pm


Monday 8th January

Return to school


Christmas Parties

Our Christmas party celebrations are next week.  The children can come to school wearing their party clothes.  Please can you ensure clothing and footwear is suitable for all school activities.


Huge thank you

Thank you for all your support and engagement with our recent performances and Christmas fair.  It was wonderful to see so many parents, carers and family members attending and joining in.

The Christmas fair was an amazing success.  We raised over £400 for school fund which will support our children going on trips and pay for some of the extras our children receive in school.


Academy Update

We have been in the process of joining Crompton House Multi-Academy Trust.  We held the consultation with parents and carers in the Spring term last year and have a date for our final conversion.

On the 1st January 2024 St. Thomas’ will become an academy.  Parents, Carers and children will see no difference in school.  Our name, uniform, polices and values will all stay the same, as will all the staff. 





A quick reminder about school uniform.  Can you please ensure that children come in the correct uniform.  Some children are coming to school in trainers and football boots.

PE kits need to be worn on PE days.  This is a plain white t-shirt and black joggers or leggings.  Children can wear their green school jumper on these days if the weather is cold.

Football boots (with studs) are not allowed for use on the pitch as they can be very slippery.


Parking reminder

We have received a number of complaints about unsafe and dangerous parking outside the school.  We have referred these to both the council and the police who will be following up in the new year.

Can we remind all drivers to be considerate when they park.  There have been some dangerous incidents and near-misses in the last few weeks.


School timings

School begins at 8:45 (the gates will open at 8:40 and locked at 8:50)

School closes at 3:10 (the gates will be locked at 3:20)

Nursery’s times are: 8:45-11:45 and 12:15-3:15


Thank you for all your support this term, have a lovely break and see you all on Monday 8thJanuary 2024.

