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Newsletter Friday 16th July

Dear parent/ carer,

As we break up for our summer holiday today we wanted to share some information about how the school will change slightly in September.

Firstly, the government have told us to try and return schools to ‘normal’ including stopping the use of class bubbles and different start and finish times.

All children will start back at school on Monday 6th September at 8:50 and will finish at 3:00.  The gates will close in the morning at 9:00 and they will be marked as late needing to enter through the main office.

As a school we have plans in place in case things do change.  We will be updating our risk assessment early in September with the main aim being to keep our school community safe. Please be aware some things may change at very short notice following government and/or local authority advice. You will be informed of any changes via text, the school website and Facebook.


Uniform Policy
The uniform policy is as follows


Please note that on the days when your child has P.E. they will come to school in their P.E. kits. Your child’s class teacher will inform you of when their P.E. days are in the first week back.


 School Uniform

Green jumper/cardigan/fleece yellow polo shirt

Black pants/ shorts/pinafore/ skirt (Blue and white summer dress) Black/ grey/ white socks

Black/grey tights, black shoes (not trainers – apart from PE day)

Branded school uniform is available from Debonaire in Oldham Market


PE Uniform

Plain white T-shirt – no logo or pictures.  Black shorts or tracksuit pants/leggings

Black pumps or black trainers

Head scarves need to be either removed for the PE session or be tight so there are no loose ends that may get caught


Children with long hair must wear this tied up for safety reasons.  As always with uniform, please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name. School will not take responsibility for lost uniform.



Attendance for all children of school age is compulsory and it is of utmost importance that children attend school regularly. If your child is not able to attend school, you must contact the school office on their first day of absence and let staff know the reasons why. You may be asked to provide evidence for your child’s absence; for example, by providing copies of medical/ dental appointment letters/ texts. Evidence of PCR tests being taken and results must be provided if COVID-19 reasons are cited.



I would urge you not to take your child out of school for holidays in term time. There is no automatic entitlement in law to take leave during school time. All applications for leave must be made, in advance, by the parent of residence using the 'Request for leave of absence' form, available from the school office. It is important that parents understand that leave in term time will not be agreed unless circumstances surrounding the request can be evidenced, by parents, to be exceptional.



If you or your child develops COVID symptoms or gains a positive test result, this need to be reported through the NHS track and trace system.


Over the summer holiday you are not required to inform school


I want to thank you for your continued support, patience, kind words and understanding over this last academic year – it is greatly appreciated by all the staff team at St. Thomas’.



