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Dates to the end of term

Dear parents and carers,


Please find the dates to the end of term.  There are lots of exciting things going on.


All of the current dates in school are on the school website calendar page and on the school app.




Dates to the end of term


Monday 5th

Nursery and Reception Sing-a-long 2:00 in the church

Tuesday 6th

Rocksteady Rock Concert – 2:00 in the hall

Thursday 8th

Christmas Dinner, Christmas Jumper

Sponsored run in school

Monday 12th

Year 3 Violin concert

3ML – 1:30

3PC – 2:15

Reception craft afternoon – 2:00

Tuesday 13th

Year 1, 2, 3 Christmas performance – 1:15 in the church

EYFS Christmas Party

Wednesday 14th

Year 2 Dance Club presentation – 2:40 in the hall

Nursery and 2 Yr olds – Christmas craft

Friday 16th

School closes at 1:30

