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Flowers and insects- spring term

Have a look at what the children will be learning about in their new topic for this term.

The children have been exploring the forest school area looking for wild and garden plants, deciduous and evergreen trees and using scientific equipment. Have a look below at ours pictures.

All of year one visited Alexandra Park for our topic. Whilst at the park we identified wild and garden plants, deciduous and evergreen trees and used scientific vocabularly around plants such as seed, root, stem, branch, flower, petals, bud etc.

We have been watching the cress, giving it sunlight, water and warmth in hope it will grow and be ready to eat. The children have used scientific equipment such as magnifying glasses to observe the change. The children have also been finding the different parts such as roots, stem, leaves, seeds etc.

It has been science week this week (15.3.18) and in Science the children have been growing cress for our topic. The children have looked at the common structure of a common flowering plant, observed closely using equipment and used their observations to answer scientific questions.

For our homework, the children made some FANTASTIC musical instruments. We then used these during a music lesson after listening to the flight of the bumble bee. We thought about tempo, pitch and dynamics. The children then had to play their instruments according to the insect on their tables, working as a group to compose a piece of music.

The final artist we have looked at is William Morris and his work of designing floral wallpaper. The children studied some wallpaper in the style of William and then planned how they were going to create their own. The children then used straws and paint, to create a repetitive floral pattern. Have a look at the chidlren's work.

We then moved onto Jennifer Angus and her work of patterns with insects. The children made their own pictures by sticking insects onto a picture frame in their chosen pattern. We were very impressed with their art skills.

In art, we began by looking at Henri Matisse and his 'painting with scissors' work. The children re-created his work, cutting paper to form different shapes to represent a flowers and insect picture. Take a look below at their amazing work.

The children used their prior learning of continents and the equator to learn about the migration of the monarch butterfly. The children found out why it migrates and where it goes on its flight. They then used a map to show the route the butterfly flew, using directional language.

We then moved onto looking at climates in the different continents. The children have been learning about the equator and the affect is has on different places making them hot or cold. The children used atlases to find different places and found out whether they were hot or cold.

In Geography, the children have been learning about the seven continents. The children have been researching different insects and finding out which continents they can be found.
