St Thomas’ follows the Primary Languages Network scheme of work for Spanish which covers the KS2 National Curriculum Attainment Targets for Languages. Planning and resources are accessed through the online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The scheme is a live scheme which is continually updated and revised in order to meet with current curriculum standards. Alongside the planning provided, the network also enriches this through accompanying PowerPoints, sound files (spoken by native speakers), links to authentic literature, songs, games, culture points of reference and links to appropriate websites. The PLN scheme of work allows for a spiral curriculum in which previously taught vocabulary and grammar is revisited and built upon from lesson to lesson and throughout the different stages of language learning.
Below is an overview of the scheme content showing topics covered for the four stages of language learning in KS2 . Stage 1 refers to Year 3, Stage 2 refers to Year 4, Stage 3 refers to Year 5 and Stage 4 refers to Year 6.