Dear parents and carers,
Thank you all so much for your support through this half term, it has been a very successful one. The staff in school are working incredibly hard to support your children both with catching up with any gaps from the lockdowns and the new work they need to learn this year too.
COVID Updates
Although we have updated the risk assessment to change a few small things, almost all of the restrictions in school are still in place. We are still wearing face coverings on the yard, keeping our bubbles separate and cleaning our hands as often as possible. Thank you for your support in this. We are starting to take the children on a few restricted visits out of school. There have been visits to local parks and we are currently looking into the possibility of a trip to an outdoor museum.
Our main aim is always to keep the school community safe and reduce risk. Children or staff showing any of the COVID symptoms are still required to isolate immediately and take a PCR test at one of the testing centres. They will not be allowed back into school without showing the negative test result to the school office. We are following the government guidance that a negative flow test (the test kit that children at secondary schools receive) is not enough.
If you receive a positive test over the school holiday please inform school either through following the link below or a message to the school facebook page
@stthomaswerneth (not sure what it is!)
Free School Meal Vouchers
If your child is in receipt of free school meals you will have received the voucher for the week of half term. They have been sent to the phone numbers and email address we hold for you in school. If you do not receive the voucher please follow the link and complete the form.
Mahdlo Support
Mahdlo are offering packed lunches from Tuesday 1st May to Friday 4th June.
Click the link below to find out more
Packed Lunches
Can we remind parents that children’s packed lunches need to be healthy and varied. Staff have noticed some have been filled with unhealthy food and sugary drinks. It is so important that children have a good meal at lunchtime and that the food has enough of the different food types to keep the children healthy and ready to learn.
If you are unsure what needs to go in a lunch box, please ask – we will always help.
Dates to the end of the year
We are currently putting our dates together up to the end of the year to share with you. We hope to be able to put these on a news letter just after half term. This will include dates of sports days, parent meetings, end of year reports and possible leaver assemblies. We are waiting for guidance as to how we can do some of these and will let you know as soon as we find out.
Have a lovely half term, enjoy the break and see you all back on Monday 7th June