During E-safety week, each class completed different tasks. Take a look at their class pages and see what they were all up to.
The children all watched an amazing video made by another primary school in assembly. The children acted out a courtroom scene based around cyber bullying. I have attached the video underneath if you want to watch it yourselves.
E-safety is very important in school and something we take very seriously. St Thomas' strives to keep our children safe when using the computers and internet in school and to educate to that children are safe at home too.
Recently the school achieved the 360o E-safety award showing that we have looked into the ways to keep our children safe online. We take part in national and local e-safety initiatives and strive to keep up to date with developments.
The acceptable use statements for the different age groups are linked below. They have been signed along with the home school agreement. The school staff have explained the meaning of the agreements to ensure the children fully understand the language used and implications.
Internet Filtering
Our school's Internet is filtered and protected, through Oldham Council, by a company called Fortinet. They filter through a collection of banned/inappropriate words and sites identified by themselves and supplemented by the council and school.
If you would like more information about how this works please either click the link below where you will be taken to Fortinet's information page or email me: pmcgrath@stthomaswerneth.oldham.sch.uk.
Thank you very much
E-Safety group
Our E-safety group is made up of pupils, parents, governors, staff and technical support who meet once a half term to discuss changes in E-safety in school.
Our first meeting in October was part of the parent's forum and discussed the following issues:
If you would like to join these meetings please contact P McGrath or D Service at school
There are many great websites that can be used to find out more: