Welcome to Year 2!
We have two classes in Year 2:
Mr Shearsmith - Flamingos class
Miss Wood - Eagles class
We are also very lucky to have Mrs Miah, Miss Binks, Miss Martin, Mrs Denham-Marsh, Mrs Latham, Miss White, Mrs Downing, Mrs Walker, Miss Platt and Mr Ali.
See what we are learning this half term!
Maths: Our focus this half term is on place value. We will be partitioning numbers into tens and units. We will be comparing two digit numbers using greater than and less than and ordering them. We will be estimating where numbers are on a numberline and learning to count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.
English: This half term we are looking at the poem 'The Sound Collector' by Roger McGough. We will create our own poems based on the sounds we hear at school and at home using the correct tense. We will be looking at texts from John Burningham including 'Avocado baby' and 'The Shopping Basket'. We will create our own characters based on the text. Some of the english targets we will be focusing on will be to use commas in a list correctly, using a range of expanded noun phrases and securing our knowledge of capital letters and full stops.
History: We are learning about famous people from the past and comparing two very famous explorers, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. We will discover why they are famous, what remarkable thing they discovered and discuss who is better and why.
Science: In science, we are learning about what we can do to keep our bodies fit and healthy. We will create healthy balanced meals, learn the importance of exercise and what germs we have on our hands if we don't wash them regularly.
RE: Our Christian value for this half term is respect. In our worship sessions we will discuss how we can be respectful towards others. In our RE lessons we are finding out why the Bible is a special book for Christians. We will share some of the stories that are well known. We will compare and contrast the Bible to other faiths.
PE: Wednesday and Thursday afternoons