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During Summer 2, we are exploring the Topic of 'Fairytales'

Take a look at our Topic web to see all the fantastic things we are learning about...

We have been learing about special times in Re. We visited the church for our RE lesson and had a Baptism. We chose Parents and God-Parents and had a doll that we took to the church to be baptised.

African Drumming - We had so much fun developing our drumming skills!

During E-Safety week, Reception have been learning all about how to stay safe while using the Internet and what to do if their computer gets a virus or if somebody sends them a message while playing a game....

We have been making people patterns!! We worked together in small groups and thought of different ways to move our bodies to make repeated patterns. Can you work out our patterns?

This week the children have been learning all about road safety! They had great fun pretending to be lollypop people!

Being Creative! Busy making aeroplanes and rockets for our Transport Topic...

We had a great time on our trip to Oldham Library...

what is our favourite kind of transport?

ordering numicom

This week we have been working together to make sculptures using natural materials inspired by the famous artist Andy Goldsworthy

shelter building and tree hugging :-)

We have been learning about how to identify leaves and trees in forest school!!

Ourselves Topic Wall

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