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Hello and we welcome your child to their new Reception class!


To remind you all of who we are –

Class teachers

Dolphins – Mrs Taylor- Wrigley

Seahorses – Miss Layden

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Jones and Mrs Islam (am)

Mrs Dale, Miss Hynes, Miss White, Mrs Bano, Mrs Saeed and Mrs Downing. 


Please bring your child's yellow book bag to school everyday, inside there is...

  • Reading book - Can you please ensure that your child’s reading record book is signed when you have read with them
  • Homework books will be given out with 6 tasks to do, Children are expected to complete the tasks and hand in their books by the last Monday of the half term so books can be marked and certificates for completed homework can be given out.


Can we stress the importance of all uniform being clearly labelled, including coats and P.E. kits. Please ensure children bring in their P.E. kit for their lesson on Monday and leave it at school for the remainder of the term.


Please can we remind Parents/Guardians about the importance of children attending school regularly and being on time every morning. Reception doors open at 8.50am and children are expected to be ready to start school at that time. Reception doors and gates are locked at 9am so after this time, your child will be marked late.


Reminder: Please return your Tapestry forms if you haven’t done so already, this is to ensure you can see all your child’s amazing work using the Tapestry app. 


Please see below all the great learning your child has been doing...


Thank you all for your support

The Reception Team
