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Place Value

Place Value


Below are links for the place value objectives. Understanding number is the most important of our maths skills. Make sure you understand these 4 objectives - COME AND SPEAK to a teacher if you're unsure. 


The first objective has been set out to show you. Links to the others are found below. Each ojective will follow the same layout - Videos to teach you, links for you to practise with, and then a song or game to help you remember! Enjoy!

Objective 1: To read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10 000 000 and determine the value of each digit

Math Antics - Place Value

Here's a lesson to help explain exactly how the place value of our number system works. Really useful to help us understand number.

Math Antics - Decimal Place Value

Here's a lesson to help you understand the decimal places!

Rockin' the Standards Place Value Rap

Music is a great way to learn - can you follow this rap? It goes beyond our objective, but the principles are the same!

Place Value "Problems" Ariana Grande Parody

Mr. J's rap teaches us about place value! Told you us teachers were cool! Get your paper ready and try to answer these questions!
