Dear Parents,
Hope you are all staying well in these very strange times. A different newsletter to normal, rather than telling you what we have been doing in school and what we are doing next, every teacher has updated the classes with the work that has been set.
If you have any questions about work or any other issues please contact school, there is somebody in the office daily.
There is another page on the website with some information from the Local Authority explaining some of the support they are offering.
Take care and speak soon.
The children have been sent home a folder with maths, English and fine motor resources to complete. On the website are links to live read, write, inc session where the children should focus on set one speed sounds.
There are Online story time sessions, maths links, mindfulness and keeping active links. You should also check the spring 1 and 2 subpages which have links to songs and stories linked to the current topic and the next topic to be taught.
All Reception children have received a folder of work which covers the EYFS Curriculum, including phonics, maths, literacy and other areas of learning in the EYFS to help your child achieve Early Learning Goal. We have created a suggested timetable on the website and lots more activities and websites that will support your child’s learning. This can be found at:
At this time of year, we are working to show if your child is meeting the Early Learning Goal. If possible we would love to see some of your children’s experiences at home as this will give us a more rounded and accurate assessment of them. Some of the things you could do with your child are:
-identifying and using technology around the home
-choosing to eat a range of healthy foods
-talking about how to keep safe
-talking about past and present events in their own or family members lives.
You can upload any photos onto Tapestry so we can see them or alternatively send any work/pictures into school when we return.
Year 1
Please can children continue to work through the activities planned in their home packs and complete the additional booklets sent in the packs. Once these have been completed, the Year 1 web page has been updated with various educational websites for children to continue their home learning. Please can I also remind you to access the free Read, Write, Inc daily lessons taking place, ( to ensure your child is having their phonics daily. There are also some excellent ebooks to read with your children on the 'Oxford Owl for Home' website and Twinkl.
Year 2
The teachers have been putting weekly homework on the main page of our website - English/ maths and curriculum.
We have been using Rapid read, online stories, online maths games, purple mash and videos/games linked to other subjects.
All the links are on the different curriculum pages at the bottom to support them with their home-learning tasks.
Every Thursday between 9am and 6pm we're having a TT Rockstars battle
Year Three
We have sent home a purple exercise books filled with activities for each child to work from at home. These contain ten activities for both English and Maths. Please try not to rush these. It would be better to spend more time doing a few of these rather than rushing through them all.
We have also sent home a full book of comprehension activities, and maths activities.
Furthermore, we have sent home passwords for Lexia, Purple Mash and Times Tables Rockstars. The Year Three classes will have a timetable battle every Wednesday from 8am to 8pm.
There are also links to online Englsish and phonincs lesson on the class website. This can be seen at
In addition to these English and Maths challenges, there are also art activities and welfare activities, so pupils can help to look after themselves and be creative. Please do our best to stay active.
Extra activities will be added in due course.
Please continue to listen to government advice and be safe!
Year 4
On the website you will find extra daily activities that you could do. Just click on the big yellow star labelled 'home learning' and you will see that each day a new activity is put on. These are all online activities, for example there are activities for PE, writing, art and science.
We hope to see you soon
Love Mrs. Carruthers and Mrs. Shipton
Year 5
An overview sheet of task children can complete. Please do not worry if you cannot complete these.A CGP KS2 Maths 10-minute workout book. We recommend three tasks a week.
A CGP KS2 English comprehension book. We recommend completing two a week.
Logins for TT Rockstars - use this time to help your child know their times tables fluently.
Login for Reading Plus - An excellent online reading platform in which they read and answer questions.
Login for Purple Mash - I will aim to set a couple of tasks a week to complete.
Year 5/6 spelling list
Pobble 365 website does a picture a day you could write about
I will also set tasks on LBQ which the children know how to logon to. I will put the code on the this page for 9am. The tasks will be open until 5pm. I will check usage and try and help if I see you online!
There will be TT Rockstars battles for the classes every Tuesday 9-3pm.
We would rather give too much work than not enough and please do not worry if you can't access the online work. You can use the booklets, listen to them read and play maths games.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions or concerns. We will endeavour to help you and your child as much as we can.
Many thanks,
The Year 5 team
Year 6
We hope that they are well and that the work set is providing enough for them to do.
New tasks will be set on Purple Mash each Monday and the TT Battles will continue for each Monday from 9am-9pm - A prize for the best class! Don't forget to keep up with Reading Plus. Mr Burrows and Mr Gwynne are working through the classes to call homes.
Message to all!!! Don’t forget the TTRockstar battles. Scores will be published next week!!!