Welcome To Year 6!
St. Thomas will be welcoming back Year 6 from Monday 22nd of June!
Our school day will begin at 9.00am and finish at 2.50pm. Children will work in 'bubbles' of 7 children with three members of staff (who will remain with the same children until the end of the year). Staggered lunchtimes, breaktimes and outdoor PE times will be in place and 'bubbles' will remain solely with their group of 7 for eveything.
Whilst in class, we will be following our home learning timetable (see below) and also taking part in extra Digital Advantage tasks. Children who are NOT atending school should be completing the home learning tasks through Seesaw - this will be monitored closely each day and chased up.
Please could you inform the school if, at any time, you decide you are going to attend school so we can ensure there is a place in a 'bubble' group available.
Daily Home Learning Timetable:
Our Daily Home Learning Timetable is already active on Seesaw! Make sure you're on!
Our Year Ahead
Please find below our Long Term Plan for the academic Year, 2019-2020.