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15th September 2020

Newsletter Tuesday 15th September 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,


We hope you are all staying safe and well in these uncertain and confusing times.  With updated in the news about staying in 6 people bubbles and with Oldham still being restricted in a stricter lockdown it is very hard to keep up.

If ever you are unsure of the restrictions, please visit this website for the up to date information.



The risk assessments have been received and approved from Oldham swimming service and we feel, as a school that it is safe to take our children back to the pool.

The Year 3 children will be going on Tuesday afternoon.  One class goes for half of the year and then the other class goes for the other half of the year.  Miss Lee’s class have started this week and have enjoyed it.

Year 4 children normally go together but for the first few weeks we have decided to take the classes individually.  One class going for 1 week and then the other class, 4LC are going first.  This would give the children time to get used to some of the new rules and restrictions on the bus and at the swimming pool in smaller groups.  We hope to get back to taking all of the children in one group by half term at the latest.


Secondary School Applications

The date for the Year 6 children to apply to secondary school is 31st October.  If your child is in Year 6 you will need to go onto the council website to apply.  If you are struggling with this process, please ring the school office and we will try to support you.


Food parcels and home cooking support

Mrs Stones has been working with a small local company who are offering to help our some of our families. They have offered to supply any families where there is at least one household member unemployed by providing them with a food package each week.  This will be followed up with an online meeting on Zoom where they will show the families some of the best ways to create meals out of the food.


If you are interested in this, please contact the school office or speak to Mrs Stones. 


Illness – both COVID and otherwise

School are constantly keeping up with the changes to the rules and restrictions both within Oldham and nationwide.  

With regard to children being ill, having to isolate and get tests there is a poster from Public Health England on the reverse of this letter that explains clearly the process you should go through if your child or anybody in your household (or social bubble) exhibits any symptoms.


Thank you all so much for your support and kind words when we speak to you outside.  It is so lovely to see the school full of children learning again after such a long break.


Thank you for your ongoing support.

Quick note - The website to book tests within Oldham is:

