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Year Two

Welcome to Year 2 smiley


We have two classes in Year 2:

Flamingos with Mr Shearsmith (2IS)

Eagles with Mrs Burrows (2KB)


We are supported by Mrs Grattidge, Mrs Miah, Mrs Jones, Miss Iqbal, Miss Martin, Miss Cristina and Miss Lennox. 



Important information

Books will be changed on a Friday. Please make sure that reading books are brought to school in book bags daily, as the children read throughout the week. 


P.E. is on a Wednesday afternoon. Please come to school dressed in your P.E. kit so that you are not getting changed at school. The correct P.E. kit is a plain white t-shirt with the school jumper on top, black bottoms (leggings/joggers or shorts) and plain black trainers or pumps.


Homework will be given out on a Friday. Homework can differ week to week and will link to your child's learning in school. Please try your best to complete the homework with your child. Purple mash and TT rockstars/numbots log in details are also stuck inside the children's reading records for them to access at home.
