Make sure you keep revising your maths fluency facts, your multiplication tables and your SPAG each week. Links and sheets can be found in the homework links on the Year 6 page.
Week beginning: 12th November
- All Year 6 - Weekly spellings and times tables.
Week ending: 26th October HALF TERM!
- All Year 6 - Weekly spellings and times tables.
- Pages 34 and 35 - Homophones - English
- Pages 36 and 37 - Common Misspellings- English
- Pages 12, 13, 14, 15 - Maths
- Ideas for your own civilisation
- Purple Mash
- Maths Sheet from Friday Morning
Week commencing: 17th September
- All Year 6 - Weekly spellings and times tables.
- 6JG - Spelling of plurals (in on Thursday), maths place value sheet (in on Thursday) and timeline information gathering and photos for English.
- 6SB - Timeline information gathering and photos for English and maths place value sheet (in on Thursday).