Welcome back after half term, hope you all had a lovely break and enjoyed the weather!
Another busy week coming up with lots of exciting things going on for both children and parents too.
As part of our efforts to keep our school grounds safe and lower the recent levels of vandalism, we have refreshed the anti-vandal paint. This is a sticky black paint that has been applied to the tops of gates, fences, drain pipes and low walls to discourage people climbing onto the school grounds.
There have been signs put up to warn of the new measures today too.
Monday 11th November
A group of Reception children are visiting the library from 11:00-12:00.
Nursery have their open afternoon from 1:30-2:30. Please come and visit if you have a child who is hoping to join us, you are more than welcome.
Remembrance Service at St Thomas Church is taking place at 10:00. All children will be visiting the church to take part in a service to remember all of the people who were and still are affected by war. Parents are very welcome, if you arrive at the doors to the rear of the church just before 10:00 you will be able to get a seat.
Mrs Julie Stones is holding a meeting for parents at 2:00 in the art room in school. Over the next few weeks there is a course starting up in the new St. Thomas Church Hub. The course is a level 2 Teaching Assistant course and will prove to be very popular and exciting. If you are interested in finding out more about the course, please come to the main office at 2:00.
Tuesday 12th November
Year 2 are visiting the cinema. It is part of the Into Film celebration.
From 1:30 to 2:30, Reception are holding an open afternoon where parents can come and visit our provision. You are very welcome if you have a child in Nursery who will be moving into Reception in September or are thinking of bringing a child to join our school.
We are having some Spanish visitors in school from a school in Spain. They are coming to share some of their experience with the children and teach them some short lessons.
Wednesday 13th November
A group of Reception children are visiting the library from 1:00-2:00.
Year 5 and Year 6 are visiting the cinema. It is part of the Into Film celebration.
Some of the Year 3 children are taking part in the Oldham Linking Project.
Thursday 14th November
Year 4 are visiting the cinema. It is part of the Into Film celebration.
Thank you and have a lovely week.