On behalf of the governing body I'd like to welcome you to the school website. My name is Revd. Nick Andrewes. I am the Chair of Governors, and also the Vicar of St. Thomas' Church, opposite the school, and also St. Paul's Church in Hathershaw.
The role of the Governing Body is to support and challenge the processes which support the children's growth in the school. As a Church of England School we seek to support the whole child: in their learning, of course, but also in their personal spiritual and moral growth, in their welfare and safety, in their life outside school, and in their family life.
And so we seek to offer opportunities for everyone associated with the school, whether they take place during or after the school day; for children as well as adults. Do have a look at what we have to offer.
It is a great privilege to be involved with a school which is so exciting. It seems to me that we never stand still - not least because the diverse community we seek to serve is also constantly changing - as we seek the best for our children and their community.
If you would like to get in touch with me, please do so through the school office.
Our governing body was reconstituted on 1st September 2015 according to national guidance.
If you need to contact Rev.Nick Andrews, Chair of Governors please contact the main office for details. admin@stthomaswerneth.oldham.sch.uk
Governing Body Vacancies
Currently the governing body has a vacancy for 1 member.
The member would need to be elected by the PCC (St.Thomas' Church) and the skills required would be in finance.
If you would like more information please contact the school colin.price@stthomaswerneth.oldham.sch.uk.
If you are interested in becoming a local authority governor/Co-opted governor, click the link below for more information.
Become a school governor | Oldham Council