Dear Parents and Carers,
Now we have more information about schools returning we wanted to update you.
All schools in England are returning on Monday 8th March and all children are required to return, home learning will end on Friday 5th March.
School will open in the same way that it did before this latest lockdown. Years 5 and 6 will come into school at 8:40 and leave at 2:50. All other year groups will come at the normal times of 8:50 and leave at 3:00. Can you please ensure you pick up and drop off your children at the correct times.
Face covering must be worn on school premises unless you are exempt. Can you please remember social distancing while dropping off and picking up your children.
As the home learning will have ended, could all devices that have been loaned be returned to the class teacher on the first day back. We will clean these and have them ready in case a class bubble is required to close.
Risk Assessment
The risk assessment for the school is currently on the school website. This will be updated ready for the reopening and a link will be shared next week.
Symptoms and returning from abroad
Hopefully all of the vouchers for children eligible for free school meals should have been received and spent. If you have still not got them, please contact the school office.
See you all on Monday 8th