Parent Newsletter and Dates
Tuesday 14th December
Bikeability – Year 4 and 5
Year 1 Party Afternoon
Wednesday 15th December
Bikeability – Year 5
Christmas Dinner Day
Thursday 16th December
Nursery Party
Year 6 Harry Potter Day and Party
Friday 17th December
Reception Party Day
Year 2 Party Day
Year 3 Party Day
Year 4 Party Day
Year 5 Party Day
Finish at 1:30
Back to school on Tuesday 4th January.
We haven’t been able to perform our Christmas performance in person this year but the classes have been working very hard practising their parts. We are recording each class’ performance and these will be available to watch before the end of the term.
On the first day back years 1-6 were due to go to the Pantomime. In light of the announcement earlier this week we are taking advice to see whether we are still allowed to go. We would love to go and take everyone but our main priority is always to ensure safety. I will update you all before the end of the term.
Can I please make a polite reminder about the driving and parking when dropping and picking children up outside school. The painted zigzags are there to keep our children safe and to allow the traffic to flow around the circle too. Thank you.
Have a wonderful break over Christmas. Thank you all so much for all your support stay safe and take care over the holiday.
Thank you again