Welcome to Year 2!
We have 2 Year 2 classes:
Year 2SE - Flamingos - Mr Eastwood
Year 2JW - Eagles - Miss Wood
Miss White, Mrs Latham, Mrs Miah, Mrs Begum, Miss Mehnaz and Mrs Mahmood work alongside the class teachers.
This half term in Maths we are focusing on Measures. We will be reading and telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes and learning the different units of measure, comparing them using < > and =. Also we are learning about data handling and direction and position, linking this to our curriculum topic, 'From A to B'.
In English, we will be starting the new half term off with looking at stories by the author Oliver Jeffers. We will be looking at the story Lost and Found and rewriting the story making our own changes. We will be comparing this story to other books by Oliver Jeffers including the 'The Way back home' and 'Up and Down'.
Our new geography topic 'From A to B' will help us to learn the names of the seven continents and oceans around the world. We will be identifying capital cities and landmarks within Britain and using maps to understand different geographical features. We will be creating our own maps using a key with physical and human features. We are learning to use compass directions correctly. We will discuss the seasonal changes and why some countries in the world are hotter than others.
In Science, we have grown our own sunflowers and took part in an investigation to determine how cress grows best.
Please make sure that you have your PE kit in school at all times. PE is on a Thursday morning and a Friday afternoon. An extra dance session is on Thursday afternoons for 2JW.
Please make sure book bags are brought to school every day!
Continue to listen to your child reading at home and write a comment in their reading record so we can change their books regularly.
Year 2 go to the library on a Thursday.
As you are aware homework in Year 2 has changed so that the children are taking responsibility for their own learning. The children can choose 1 task each week in any order across different subject areas. The children can also bring in their book throughout the half term to show their friends. Certificates and prizes will be given to children who have completed all of their homework to a good standard.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss anything regarding your child in school.
Thank you,
Miss Wood and Mr Eastwood
On Tuesday 23rd May we had an amazing class trip to the Chestnut Centre! We learnt lots of new facts about different animals and even fed the deer some tasty, delicious scones!