Welcome to Reception!
Class teachers: Mrs Lishman - Dolphins, Mrs Layden - Seahorses
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Jones, Mrs Islam, Mrs Dale, Mrs Latham, Mrs Downing, Mrs Bano, Miss White, Mrs Saeed
Apprentice Teaching Assistant: Miss Hynes
If you would like to speak to a member of staff please feel free to do so before or after school. Alternatively please ring the school office and a member of staff will return your call.
8.50am - 3.00pm
Please ensure your child is on time for school, gates will be closed at 9am ready for the register and learning to start.
PE is on Monday - please leave your child's PE kit at school.
Children will be read to weekly so please ensure your child's book bag is brought to school daily. Library books will be changed weekly so please ensure your child brings their Library book back. Homework is given out at the beginning of every term, 6 tasks will be given for children to complete and handed back in at the end of the term. Read, Write Inc sound mats are given out so children can practice their sounds at home.
Your child's progress in school is recorded on an online learning journal (Tapestry) which you can access at home. Please ensure you give your email address to your child's class teacher so they can add you onto the system.
Name labels in clothing
Please put your child's name in every item of clothing, including PE kits and coats. Many children often have identical items of clothing and without names it is often hard to get them back to their rightful owners.
Our Early Years curriculum is carefully planned to make sure that all children thrive and achieve. There are seven areas of learning and development that must be covered in Early Years settings - Personal, Social and Emotional development, Physical development, Communication and Language development, Literacy development, Mathematics development, Understanding the World and Creative development.
Outdoor learning is part of our curriculum and we go out in all weather conditions - please ensure your child comes to school in a waterproof coat.