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Friday 14th June

Friday 14th June


Welcome back after the 2 week break.  We hope you had a lovely Eid.


We are into the last half term of the school year and what an amazing one it is going to be.  So far we have planned; Father's day celebrations, end of year celebrations, sports days, trips to Blackpool Zoo and many, many other things too.  I have attached the date list between now and the end of the school year.  Hopefully the dates will stay the same but we will inform you if there are any changes.


Academy Update

After a period of consultation between school and The Sola Fide Trust the decision has been made not to join them.  This will mean school will not become an academy and will continue being a school running under the local authority.


World Book Day

World Book Day will be taking place on Friday 21st June.  This is going to be a picnic outside (weather permitting) where the children can share a book with friends and staff.  The children need to come to school in their normal uniform.


Class Photographs

Braiswicks Photography are taking class photographs on Monday 17th June.  They will not be taking group or individual photographs.


Cashless School

School is moving to being cashless in the next 12 months.  This will mean paying for school meals, trips and other activities either online or using Paypoint.  More information will be shared in the coming weeks.


Inclusion information Coffee Afternoon

Wednesday 19th June at 1:30 there will be a coffee afternoon to share information from different services available in Oldham and through our school.  All are welcome.


Fathers Day Activities

Thursday 20th June is school's Fathers Day celebration.  A letter will follow.


Dates to the end of the year




Whole Class Photographs


Linking Project – Yr 3


Father’s Day Celebration


World Book Day


Spelling Bee


Talent Contest




Transition Day for whole school 


Business Enterprise

Reports out to parents

Week Beginning 8th



Parents Drop in session


Parliament Day


Year 6 Prom

Week beginning 15th

End of Year Performances

Reception – Monday 15th

Yr 4     Nursery – Tuesday 16th

Yr 5     Yr 3 – Wednesday 17th

Yr 2     Yr 1 – Thursday 18th


Year 6 Rounders


Year 6 Leaver Assembly

9:00 for parents

10:35 for school

