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Year Five

Year 5 pizza making

Dear Parents/Carers,


Welcome to Year 5. We are very excited to start the year with our new classes. This year your child will be supported in their learning by Mr Armstrong, Mrs Massey, Mrs Bibi, Mr Ali, Mrs Hall and Mrs Denham-Marsh


 Spring 2

The topics your child will be learning this half term are:

  • English: We are studying ‘The Arrival’ by Shaun Tan, returning to Macbeth in Shakespeare’s Week and reading ‘Journey to J’burg’ by Beverley Naidoo.
  • Maths: Fractions, decimals and percentages.
  • Science: Properties and Changes of Materials
  • RE – Our topic is based around the question,  ‘Why is The Torah so important to Jewish people?’
  •  History–The will then undertake the enquiry ‘What did all the earliest civilisations have in common?’
  • DT – we are designing, making and evaluating fairground models, using pulleys or gears.
  • PSHE – We are continuing with ‘My Happy Mind’
  • Music – We will be learning sing ‘’The Fresh Prince of Bel Air’
  • Computing – Spreadsheets and Word Processing.




  • Your child will be given a piece of Maths and English homework Friday that needs to be completed and returned by Wednesday the next week.


As part of your child’s continued learning, we request that your child includes in their home routine, the following:

  • Regular reading
  • Practising times tables
  • Practising Maths fluency targets using their target booklet.


P.E. is on Fridays, we ask that your child comes to school dressed in their P.E. kit.

P.E. kit items include: white t-shirt, black bottoms, black pumps (indoor) or white/black trainers (outside) and a school jumper. 


Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Armstrong and Mrs Massey

Year 5


5AA Jodrell Bank
