Welcome back to the new term, we hope you enjoyed your summer holiday break.
Firstly, some reminders.
School starts at 8:50 when children will line up ready to come into their classes. The school gates will be locked at 9:00, the only entry point after this is the school office.
School closes at 3:00. If you are going to be late picking your child up please call the office to inform them.
Breakfast club begins at 8:00 and costs 50p per day per child. For this your child will get a healthy and hearty breakfast and the chance to take part in activities until school begins.
School uniform
Green jumper with the school logo on
Yellow polo shirt
Black skirt/trousers/shalwar
Yellow or green gingham Dress/Kammeez
Black shoes
P.E Kit
All children should have a change of clothes for P.E and take them home each week to wash.
White T-shirt
Black shorts / jogging bottoms or leggings
Black pumps or trainers.
Please ensure your child's name is sewn or written in each item to avoid misplacement or lost items.
Can we please remind Parents and Carers to be considerate and careful when driving and parking around school. It can get very busy at certain times and sometimes patience is needed to ensure the safety of our children.
Can I also remind people not to block the gates to the staff car park as this must be kept as a clear access for any emergency vehicles to have access to school.
Dates for the diary
Tuesday 10thSeptember – Year 6 welcome meeting. This meeting will run at both 9:00 and 3:00 in the school studio and will be the same meeting (you don’t need to attend both). The staff will explain, in detail, about the events special to Year 6. The SATs testing process, how the homework will run and application for secondary schools.
Friday 20thSeptember – School dinner taster session. The school kitchen is running a taster session where Parents and Carers are invited to come and see/try the school dinners, see what is on offer and ask any questions of the kitchen staff.