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We are what we eat- autumn term

Here is an overview of what is covered throughout this topic.

We celebrated the end of our topic by ordering pizza hut during our christmas party. Some of the children collected the pizza from the delivery man. We had a lovely afternoon of eating and dancing!!

We then moved onto learning about Giuseppe Arcimboldo and his fruit and vegetable faces. The children had the opportunity to create a face themselves out of different fruit and vegetables. Take a look at their work below.

In Art, we have been learning about the Artist Robert Spears and his still life creations. The children used different food items to create an inspired still life creation which they sketched into their art books.

We recently visited tesco and took part in their Autumn Harvest farm to fork trail. The children learnt about lots of different things such as where food is harvested from, how to make bread, the different seasons and much more. The children really enjoyed the trip and especially visiting the bakery and tasting different foods.

In Science, the children have been learning about the senses. We have learnt which body parts we need to use when using our senses and carried out a food tasting activity where the children used taste, touch, smell and their sight.

In our topic, we have taken the time to celebrate Harvest in which the whole school went over to the church for a Harvest mass. We sang a song to the rest of the school and made shakers to use during the song. We learnt about food that is harvested and where it comes from and the children filled their shakers with harvested foods.

We were lucky enough to have dental playbox visit us and to brief us on how to look after our teeth and the affects food has on them. The children learnt lots of new things about how often and how long you brush for, how much toothpase and what toothpast to use and many more. The children undertook some activities which consisted of sorting healthy and unhealthy foods, checking for food left in Fred's mouth, brushing the animals teeth for 2 minutes and dressing up in dental clothes.

In DT we have been researching where food comes from. Have a look at the children's work below.

In Science we have been observing changes across the seasons and how they affect the length of days. We linked this to how it affects the food and what food we eat in certain seasons.

We have been reading the story of Peter Rabbit in English. Linking to our topic, we focused on what Peter Rabbit pinched from Mr McGregor's garden. In Art the children made a pop up garden of the vegetables that Peter Rabbit stole.
