Welcome to year six
The staff in year 6 are:
Mr Burrows, Mrs Carruthers, Mrs Khatun, Mrs Lomas, Mrs Begum and Mrs Latham.
6SB - Tuesday afternoon
6LC- Tuesday afternoon
Please come dressed in your P.E. kit and pumps or trainers.
P.E. kit is plain black tracksuit bottoms, leggings or shorts and a plain white t-shirt. School jumpers or cardigans should still be worn on P.E. days.
Please make sure your child has their reading book and reading record in school every day as reading days do vary from week to week. It is suggested that children read everyday, this can be any book of choice. Please record any comments in the reading record.
This will be set on a weekly basis.
Maths: Children will be given homework on a Monday to be completed and handed in by Friday.
Children can complete this at school on Tuesdays during break time if they need any help.
English: Children will be given a comprehension task on a Friday to be completed by Monday.