Newsletter December 7th 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
A quick update on the newsletter from last week. It has been a challenging week with a large number of class bubbles being required to close, thank you all for your patience and support.
Some of the dates have needed to be changed and I wanted to share them with you as soon as possible.
Dates to the end of term
Wednesday 16th December - Christmas Dinner and Christmas Jumper day - £1 donation per child
We will be selling Christmas jumpers in school for a minimum donation of £2 to go towards our Forest School Garden
Friday 18th December – School closes for :Year 5/6 – 1:20
All other year groups - 1:30
Christmas Parties
Nursery and Reception – Friday 11th December
Year 1 – Wednesday 16th December
Year 2 – Friday 11th December
Year 3 – Thursday 17th December
Year 4 - Friday 11th December
Year 5 – 5AA – Thursday 10th December
5RD – Friday 18th December
Year 6 – Friday 18th December
Pantomime Dates
During the last two weeks the children are going to watch an online pantomime
COVID Text messages
There has been some confusion with some of the text messages parents are receiving from school. If your child is in a bubble which has been required to close, you will get a message from school telling you your child needs to isolate.
If your child has not been a close contact with the person who has tested positive then you will receive a message from school saying ‘your child is not a close contact’.
The confusion has come when parents and carers have more than one child in school. You may get more than one message on a day that a bubble closes, one saying you are a close contact and one saying you are not. If you are not sure, please contact school and they will answer any questions.
Oldham is a Tier 3 area with a high rate of infection. Can I please remind everyone to follow the rules and keep us all safe in school and at home.
Crowd Funder Project
I shared with you last week our project we are trying to raise money for in school. We are trying to raise money to develop an outdoor learning area at the bottom of the playground. We won a competition with Marks and Spencer who have offered to match any money we raise up to a certain amount. The first amount we are hoping to raise is £1000 which they will double to £2000.
If you would like to make a donation to our project, please follow the link or speak to the school office for help. It is very exciting and something we feel will make a difference in school.
Thank you