Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you so much for your patience, it has been an incredibly challenging time for all in our school community. The announcement came very late last night and we worked hard to get the provision in place for the children in our school. This is both for children who are attending school as children of key workers and vulnerable children and also for the online provision for children working at home.
Online work
Each year group will be setting work for the children using Seesaw, we hope that all children are able to access this online so they can get the interaction and feedback regularly from the staff. If you are struggling to access the work online we have a number of laptops and tablets in school which can be loaned by parents and carers. If you need access to one of these please call the school office or contact the class teacher through seesaw and we will arrange the pick up of the device. If online learning is not possible within your household, please contact the school office or class teacher.
Children of Key Workers and Vulnerable
For the children who have completed the online form or been spoken to by school staff for a place in school, they will start back in school tomorrow. Normal school times will be observed with all children starting at 8:50 and finishing at 3:00. If you require access to the breakfast club please complete the form on the following page, this will email myself and I will contact you back to confirm.
If your child is in Nursery or accesses the 2-year old provision, they will come to school for their normal 3 hours.
If children can come to school wearing clothing suitable for the weather and also for completing a PE session daily. There is no requirement to wear school uniform but they can if they would like.
Access to school
For entrance and exit from school, please use the following doors:
2 Year old, Nursery and Reception – Nursery entrance
Year 1 and 2 classes – Line up on the playground and use the Year 2 door.
Year 3 and 4 classes – Line up on the playground and use the Year 4 door.
Year 5 and 6 classes – Line up on the playground and use the Year 6 door.
School Dinners
Children in school will be able to get a hot dinner. If your child receives a free school meal, they will get one without charge. If you are not in receipt of free school meals and would like a hot meal, please contact the school office.
The government have indicated that all children not in school will receive the free school meal vouchers but no information has come yet. As soon as we find anything, we will contact you.
Thank you once again for your patience and support.