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2 Year Old

Home activity ideas for 2 year old provision 


Play Hide and Seek indoors or toy hide and seek. Hide a toy somewhere in the house and ask your child to find it, give clues to look around in areas . Hide some more toys/objects  to make it exciting.

Dressing-up -Find old clothes /costumes  let your child play dress -up.


Play All Aboard - Use a towel or blanket ,encourage your child to sit on the blanket and gently pull around the room , pretend the blanket is a train and you are stopping at different places like the zoo, shops whereever your imagination takes you.

Draw your favourite  Nursery rhyme/ song. Get some crayons, paper as you sing the rhyme/song  draw the picture of what is happening in the lyrics, let your child draw something else mentioned in the song e.g sing .' Incy Wincy Spider  you draw the spider,pass crayon to   your child and they can draw their version of the rain.Go back and forth until the song ends.

Ball Pass- Use a soft ball /play tunnel with you and your child sit at opposites ends take turns to roll ball back and forth.

Make a den with a blanket / bed sheet cover a table or furniture moved together add cushions , toys to play with pretend they are having a  tea party/ child's favourite toys birthday party  with music , balloons.

Make your own playdough. 2 cups of plain flour, 1 cup of salt, 30ml of vegetable oil, 1 cup of warm water / add food colouring to water . mix all ingredients .Encourage your child to roll , pat, mold  to make their own cakes/buns .

Stop ! Go! game- This  game involves your child starting/stopping , you can play in the garden /indoors ask your child to do the action  run, when you  hold up and say 'Green light ' for Go!  your child "runs"  hold up the red colour object  say 'Red light'  for Stop! give them another action to do e.g skip , jump, walk .

Here are some more ideas to try at home if your child is not in school.

Welcome to the 2 Year Old Provision!


2 year old provision leader: Mrs Begum

Teaching assistants: Miss Brooks and Miss Whitehead


If you would like to speak to a member of staff please feel free to do so when dropping your children off or picking them up at the end of the session. Alternatively please ring the school office and a member of staff will return the call.


Session times:

Our Two Year Old setting times are below:

Morning session 8.50-11.50

Afternoon session 12.00-3.00


Online learning journeys:

Your child's progress in school is recorded on an online learning journey (Tapestry) which you can access at home. Please make sure that you have given Miss Wilkinson your email address so she can activate your account.


Spare clothes:

Please make sure your child has a spare set of clothes in their bag at school clearly labelled with their name, please also make sure your child has nappies and wipes in their bag each day too.

For children that are  toilet training please make sure your child has 1 or 2 changes of clothes in case of any accidents (trousers, top, underwear and socks/tights).  


Our Early Years curriculum is carefully planned to make sure that all children thrive and achieve. There are seven areas of learning and development that must be covered in Early Years settings. Three areas are particularly crucial for building their capacity to learn. These areas (the prime areas) are:

Personal, Social and Emotional development;

Communication and Language and

Physical development.

These are the three areas we focus on when planning activities and focus tasks for the children.

We aim to support each child to identify their own sense of identity and self - worth, as well as focusing on each and every child's individual needs and interests.

