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Welcome Back!

We look forward to welcoming the children back to Nursery and the Two Year Old provision on Monday 8th March 2021. This half term our topic will be ‘Houses and Homes’. The children will also be taking part in lots of fun activities linked to the celebration of Easter.

Session times

Morning session: 8.50-11.50am

Afternoon Session: 12-3pm

All children need to arrive and depart from the nursery playground gate.

Face Coverings

Parents and carers must continue to wear a face mask when they are on the school grounds.

Spare Clothing
Please can we ask that you send in a bag of spare clothes into school. This bag is to be brought into school each day. In this bag could we ask that you include; underwear, socks/ tights, skirts/joggers, tops and jumpers. Please ensure that you label every item of clothing and the bag with your child's name.


Thank you for your continued support,


Mrs Jagger and Miss Wilkinson





