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Websites to support your children's learning at home


Please follow the links below to access some of the websites that we use in school to support your children's learning. In Year 2, we practice our number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 using 'Hit the Button'. We also have fluency targets to double and halve numbers within 20. We have also included a link to 'TT Rockstars' which is an online programme designed to improve times tables knowledge and recall. Your child should know their log in details, but if they cannot access the site please let the Year 2 staff know.

2JO used cakes to recognise that one half and 2 quarters are equivalent! The children really enjoyed eating the cakes too!

We have been using different methods for multiplication including making and drawing arrays. Here is our practical work in pairs!

We used 10p and 1p coins to make the different amounts using our knowledge of place value. We even began using other coins to show different ways to make an amount!

We partitioned 2 digit numbers into tens and units using dienes and money.

We estimated objects around the classroom and then counted them in groups.
