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16th October 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,


Another busy but very successful week.  Our children have been taught both in school and at home and have produced some excellent work.


Burns Awareness Day

On Wednesday it was National Burns Awareness Day.  It gave us a chance in school to remind children about staying safe from burns and scalds in the home.  Your children should be bringing home a letter.  Please read it carefully and think carefully about where you leave hot drinks and pans on hobs.



Thank you all so much for the donations to the harvest.  Already people have been so generous.  This year we are going to keep the food in school rather than donate to local food banks.  We are doing this to support our direct community.  If you are struggling for money or food, particularly in the times we currently are, contact school.


School Information Forms

To keep our school records up to date you will be receiving your information page.  Can you please check it is all correct, sign and return it to school.


COVID Updates

In the last two weeks we have been required to close 3 class bubbles and ask the children to isolate at home.  We understand how challenging it can be to take your children home and keep encouraging them to complete the work being set daily.  More and more of our children have been working using Seesaw and the work being handed in has been fantastic and allows the teachers to help any children who are struggling straight away.  

In the last 2 days both Lancashire and Greater Manchester (Including Oldham) have dropped into a higher tier of lockdown.  These rules can be confusing but I have added a link which takes you straight to the current government guidance as to what you can and cannot do.


It is so important that we, as a school and community, follow the rules to keep us all safe.  Remember to keep our 2m distances from others, wear our face coverings and keeping groups less than 6 people; and only outside.


Don’t forget, if there is anybody within your household showing any symptoms you need to book a test and isolate at home until the results are returned.  Please keep school updated with a phone call with any results.


If your child is required to isolate and you are in receipt of free school meals, you will receive a TESCO voucher for the days your child is not in school.  These will be either text or emailed to you and can be easily redeemed in the store.  The system has been slow to register, the vouchers will come, please be patient.

If you think your details may be incorrect, please contact the school office to update them


Thank you once again 
