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School Meals

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club runs every day from 8:00 am and last entry is 8:30 am

Children can enjoy a variety of hot breakfast food, cereals and fruit juices. Children can also catch up on reading and homework with support from staff. There is also lots of games and a chance for children to socialise with friends.

The current cost is £1.50p and can be paid on the day or in advance to staff at breakfast club.


School Dinners 

School dinners are £13.50 per week, money can be paid via the office or in an envelope and handed into school with your child's name and class written on.

The Menu runs on a three week rotation basis please refer to the table for the current week’s





Packed Lunches


"According to NHS choices a balanced lunchbox should contain:
  • Starchy foods like bread, rice, potatoes or pasta.
  • Protein foods like meat, fish, eggs or beans.
  • A dairy item, like cheese or yogurt.
  • Vegetables or salad and a portion of fruit."

Clean fresh water is available for all children to drink throughout the day.

Please note that we discourage fried foods, fizzy/high sugar drinks and chocolate and crisps.


For ideas on healthy Lunch boxes, please visit;


Image result for school packed lunch ideas Image result for school packed lunch ideas


Snack Time / Tuck Shop 

Children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 currently have free milk and a piece of fruit each day, therefore we would discourage the use of tuck shop for these children. Clean fresh water is also available for every child in each classroom.



If your child has any allergies, please inform the office.