Dear Parents and carers,
We all hope that are all staying safe and well during these times and are managing to keep up with the home learning for your children.
There have been some changes to the home learning this week. Hopefully, you should all have received a letter in the post telling you all about the new Seesaw app that can be downloaded and used on phones, tablets and laptops. The teachers will be setting work on here for your children with all kinds of exciting, fun and very useful tasks on. Your child will get different activities each day for them to complete. Sometimes an English and maths task and sometimes more creative and craft based. If you are having problems accessing this, please contact school. The teachers will be calling any children who are not completing the work to check and make sure there are not problems with the work being set.
From Monday 22nd June, the Year 6 children are starting to be welcomed back into school. They will be taught, play and eat in their own groups ensuring we socially distance and stay as safe as we can be.
Our hope is that we can welcome back the Reception classes back the following week, from Monday 29thJune. The class teachers will contact the families next week to discuss further.
We have posted a video on the school’s Facebook page @Stthomaswerneth showing some of the changes around school we have implemented. All of these are in line with our school risk assessment and done with the aim of making school the safest place it can be and to keep our children socially distancing. There is a one-way system around school and there are footprints on the floor showing the distance children and adults need to be away from each other. The school office is open but please remember only one person in the entrance at a time.
We understand that at this time of change and great uncertainty there have been changes in a lot of people’s lives. If your own circumstances have changed and you now are not working as much or financially struggling more you may be eligible to receive the free school meal vouchers of £15 per week per child. If you think you may be, please contact school and we will support you.
We received some immensely sad news earlier this week. Miss Koser, who has worked at St Thomas for over 20 years has sadly passed away. She had been ill for quite a long time and we offer up all our love and prayers for her family and friends. She has been such an important part of our St. Thomas family, teaching many of you in nursery and the 2-year old rooms and will be very sadly missed.
Please stay safe and hope to see you all very soon