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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Miss Lee and Miss Drabble are  the class teachers with a great team of support, which includes, Mrs Jones, Mrs Walker and Mrs Latham.


Our English focus is Information texts.  We will focus on including the correct features of the text to present the information correctly.  We shall continue to embed the grammar and spelling patterns learnt, and apply these.


Maths - We will be focusing on Number and Place Value. 

* Recognise the place value of each digit in a three digit number. 

*Compare and order numbers up to 1000. 

* Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations. 

*Read and write numbers up to 1000 in numbers. 

Read and write numbers up to 1000 in words.

*Solve number problems and practical problems involving these ideas. 


Science - Our topic this half term is forces and magnets

* to compare how things move on different surfaces

* to notice that some forces need contact between two objects but magnetic forces can act at a distance

* to compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether or not they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials

* to observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others

* to describe magnets as having two poles

* to predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are facing

Developing our scientific enquiry skills and the ability to ask questions using scientific vocabulary.



R. E. we shall be looking at the unit 'Called by God'.



PE kit will be needed to be left within school incase we change the days we have P.E.  The usual days will be Mondays and Tuesdays. 


swimming kit will be needed on a Tuesday for 3ML.


Our Spanish topic this term is 'Numbers to 20'.


Computing will have a big focus this half term.

* to recognise familiar forms of input and output devices and how they are used

* to make good use of familiar forms of input and output devices

*to use <ctrl> and <Shift> keys to change letters to and from upper and lower case. 

*to add and format text boxes.


Please can we make a request that every child brings their reading book every day.


All children have been given a multiplication card to learn each times table from 2-12.  Team points and certificates can be earned, so please encourage your child to practise these.


Spellings will be sent home each week, with a test to check on a Friday.  We do expect the children to know the meaning of these words and how to use them in their writing.


Homework will be given at the start of the half term and collected in on Thursday 25th October 2018. 

Mary Slessor Missionary

TT Rock Star Champions!!!

Science and Geography experiments - Where is the earthquake most powerful? Which building is the most sturdy?

Well done 3ML!    YOU DID IT!!!

I couldn't be more proud of you all, you're such a great team! 

Just remember, when you try your best, amazing things will happen! 

Enjoy your day with Mrs Hobson - if you're good you might get to celebrate with an extra play time! 

See you all on Monday.

From, Miss Leesmiley

Times Table Rock Stars - Can you improve your recall?

Jackson Pollock art fun - digital and painting

Science - Finding out how rocks are made. Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous!

How do you structure a letter?

Finding the parts of a non-fiction text

Pantomime - The whole school went to see Dick Whittington, it was amazing! We all got very much involved! Oh no it isn't!

What's under our skin? Bones, bones and more bones!!

E-safety theatre production

The Beaker Culture - Year 3 researched the 'Bell Beaker people' and made their own clay pot, using the bell- shaped pottery as inspiration.

Stonehenge - The children learnt all about the Stone Age heritage site then built their own using Bourbon biscuits!

3ML Maths Work. We have been using Diennes (Hundreds, tens and ones) to make 3 digit numbers.

Year 3 looked into the past! We used BC and AD to help us to order the periods of time.

Fatima, Zohaib and Abdul are now confident at finding different ways to make the same number - I'm so proud of you all for working independently.

A description of the shipwreck in The Famous Five on Treasure Island. Well done Arhfa, a fabulous piece of writing.

Year 3, Class ML presented our class assembly this morning (16/10/17) we looked at our wonderful world and shared ideas to preserve and look after it. Well done 3ML

Amazing Homework!

Abdul and Zohaib have been using diennes to make the same number as many different ways as they can. Well done boys!

Maths Challenge - Instead of comparing any numbers, some pupils had to weight the objects then compare their weights using greater than and less than symbols.

3ML Researched food in the past. We looked at what was ate in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and the Iron Age. We were all very surprised at what we found out!

For the Macmillan Coffee afternoon, Year 3 performed 'Let your Spirit Fly'. It was a very touching performance, well done year 3.
