Newsletter 2nd April 2021
What an amazing half term we have just had! It was lovely to see all the children back in classes learning with their friends. It was great to see you all in the playground too! Thank you all for your support over the last few weeks, it has been an extremely successful half term.
Nursery and 2 Year old Raffle
The raffle ticket winners were drawn in good work assembly yesterday. There were a number of winners, both children and staff in school. All children have been told and they went home with their prizes. Thank you all for your support – the money raised has already gone towards a new sandpit and play kitchen for the nursery children.
Reception Reminder
Can we please remind parents to bring their children to the door of the Reception class. Some parents are letting the children walk in from the gate or top of stairs on their own.
Reporting COVID results
If you or anybody in your household tests positive over the holiday can you please report this to school by either following the link below or sending a message to our Facebook page
All of the vouchers for the children eligible for free school meals have been sent for the two weeks of Easter.
If you feel that you have not received vouchers you are eligible for please complete the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Can I remind parents to claim the vouchers when they have been sent. If you are having problems, please speak to us after the Easter break.
We are off now for two weeks and are due back in school on Monday 19th April, have a wonderful break and see you all then.