School Curriculum
We aim for our children to make progress, be happy and be successful citizens of society. We are developing a knowledge-rich curriculum that is designed to strengthen their retrieval of ‘powerful knowledge’. We aim to prioritise opportunities to recall what has been learned.
Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum. We are developing our curriculum with the aim that we not only meet but exceed the requirements of the national curriculum in providing our pupils with a knowledge-rich education to ensure their success as they move into KS3.
Age phases in school
Foundation Phase
The Foundation Stage, which consists of Two Year Olds, Nursery and Reception, takes children from age 2 to 5. The Reception Class has 60 places, Nursery can offer up to 78 part-time places and two Year Old Provision 24 part time places. All the Foundation Stage children work towards the Early Learning Goals following the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage. We are fortunate to have skilled staff, with a variety of qualifications, some of whom speak more than one language. The children are provided with a wide range of activities focussing on first-hand and practical experiences. Our aim is for the children to develop their independence, grow in self-esteem and be happy and willing learners.
The Infants, or Key Stage One, is made up of four classes .These classes consist of two Year 1 and two Year 2 classes. The children build upon their learning in the foundation stage through practical, first hand experiences and more formal tasks. The children are taught the national curriculum and primary strategy, applying new skills in all curriculum areas. Phonological skills are formally assessed at the end of Year 1 using the 'Phonics Screening Check' and at the end of Year Two, teachers formally asses the children’s progress through the Key Stage One SATs.
Lower Juniors
The Lower Juniors mark the beginning of Key Stage Two. There are four registration groups, two Year 3 and two Year 4 classes. The children build upon their experiences from Key Stage One becoming more independent and confident learners in a more structured environment. The children’s progress is monitored and assessed throughout and formally tested using GL assessment through the year. The Year 3 and 4 children attend weekly swimming lessons during the year.
At the end of Year 4 the children complete a formal assessment on their knowledge of the times tables using the Multiplication Tables Check.
Upper Juniors
The Upper Juniors are made up of two Year 5 and two Year 6 classes. The children are expected to be very independent learners who are able to make links, and build upon, all that they have studied in previous years. Wherever possible, links are made between the parts of the curriculum that we teach,. At the end of the key stage the children take their standard assessment tests in Reading, Spelling and Grammar and Maths. They writing is assessed and moderated both internally and externally. We prepare the children carefully so that they are confident and enthusiastic to move on to the next stage of their education at secondary school.
Other information
English as an Additional Language Support
A large proportion of the children at St. Thomas' identify as English as an additional language. We employ Bilingual staff and a home school liaison officer (HLSO) to support. The children take pride in their bilingual skills and we actively encourage them to use them if it supports their learning.
Staff can be made available to translate for those parents who require help in Bangla, Urdu and Romanian. Other bilingual support can be accessed using a range of different external methods.
Special Educational Needs
in-line with the ethos of the school, we take care of all our children, but there are always those who need additional support due to their needs. School has two qualified SENDCOs leading special educational needs in school. Teachers plan work for individual children, who have been identified as needing extra support, if they need a differentiated, adapted or personalised curriculum to meet their special educational needs. We also have several children who have Education, Health and Care plans. Teachers and teaching assistants work with these children on a daily basis and their on identified targets. All staff access regular training to meet the needs of the children in their care.
All children are expected to complete homework on a weekly basis at a level appropriate to their age. These tasks can include: reading, learning times tables, spellings, vocabulary and poetry. Information about each year groups homework is shared through termly newsletters.
Children will bring reading books home and there is space in their records for parental comments.
If you require any further information please contact school.