Home Page

Year 5

Welcome to our year 5 class page.  We hope that it gives you lots of information about what we will be doing over the course of the year.  Mr Armstrong and Mr Eastwood are the class teachers and Mrs Ali and Miss Whitehead support the children's learning.   Below is our curriculum planner showing what the children will be learning over the year.


Please remember that school starts at 8.50am  - it is essential that your child arrives on time as we set morning daily work that reinforces learning.


 PE kits should be a white t-shirt,  black jogging bottoms and trainers or pumps.  Both classes have PE on a Tuesday afternoon.   Reading books are to be brought into school daily.  Homework will be sent home every Friday.  We will be expecting the children to regularly practice their times tables, weekly spellings and reading at home. They have the opportunity to take up to three books home and we want them to have a 'challenge book' - one that stretches their vocabulary. Each child has a 'vocab builder' bookmark where they can write down unknown words and they will find out the meaning in class or at home.


We are working on making our children as independent as possible so please encourage them to take responsibility for completing their homework with your help.


For any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.  
