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Friday 11th January 2019

Friday 11th January 2019


Welcome back after the holiday and hope you all had a lovely break.  We have such a busy, exciting term planned for the children and know they will love it.


This week we gave out our 100% attendance badges and certificates to the children who have been in school and on-time every day last term. 106 children received their badges this week, the most we have ever had.  Thank you.


This term, we will be doing the same and the 100% attenders for Spring term will receive a prize. At the moment we are planning to take these children to the cinema as a treat after the Easter holiday.  


We will track the 100% attenders for the summer term as well and then the children who have been present every day, all year, will receive a very special treat!!!!!


It is so important that your child comes to school every day and that you plan any holidays out of term time (the list of term dates is on the school website).  


This way you can guarantee that your child's education will not be affected through absence.


Thank you 


