Home Page

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

School Closure Info

Over the next few weeks we will be keeping the page up to date with suggested activities for the children to do whilst at home. Children can complete their home learning packs given out by teachers as well as accessing some of the below activities. Please do as many as you feel necessary at this difficult time. 


You can also use this time to complete activities such as cooking, exercising and reading. The main priority is making sure you stay safe. We hope to see you soon!


Miss Philliskirk & Miss Sharkey

It’s important to ensure you’re taking care of your health and well-being at this uncertain time. Please visit the below page if you need any support with this or for nice activities to carry out with your child!

Additional educational websites to visit


Welcome to Year 1!


This year we have Miss Philliskirk (1KP Butterflies teacher) and Miss Sharkey (1CS Ladybirds teacher).

We are lucky to have Mrs Stuart, Miss Cristina and Miss Iqbal as our teaching assistants who will be helping us.


Key days:

Friday- PE. Please ensure your children bring their P.E kits ready for P.E on a Friday.

Wednesday- Library.

Reading books and library books inside book bags are to be brought to school each day and will be changed once a week.


Thank you for your continued supportsmiley

Take a look at what the children will be learning throughout their time in year 1smiley...
