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Information Collection


Dear Parents and Carers,


We are trying to gather the permissions and home school agreements.  We have quite a large number returned to school already, but many have not been returned or are incomplete.


If you have not returned your two letters to school( (Home school agreement and annual consent) can you please complete the attached online form as soon as possible.


In the next few weeks, we will be having our school performances.  As a school we will record these ourselves and share them on the school website or social media (we use a privately linked YouTube page to share the link) so that parents and carers who cannot attend can watch it.  If you have signed to say your child cannot have their picture shared on the school website, we will need to find a way of keeping them off the recording.


If you have any questions about this, please speak to either myself or your class teacher.


If you have more than one child in school, please complete the form for each child.


Kind regards


Mr McGrath


Click here to access the form


